Ieri a Roma un uomo è morto. Si chiamava Niang Maguette e aveva 54 anni. Era originario del Senegal. In Italia da trent’anni, lavorava come venditore ambulante. E' morto sul marciapiede di via Beatrice Cenci, all'ingresso del Ghetto ebraico. Dove è morto, ora c'è una macchia di sangue. Ha perso la vita per cause ancora da chiarire, durante un'operazione della polizia muni [...]
niang maguette
Die alone on the sidewalk. For “respectability”?
Yesterday in Rome a man died. His name was Niang Maguette and he was 54 years old. He was originally from Senegal. For thirty years in Italy, he worked as a peddler. He died on the sidewalk at Beatrice Cenci street, at the entrance to the Jewish Ghetto. He lost his life for causes to be clarified, during a city police operation against abusive trade, conducted in the area [...]