The international awareness-raising campaign Words are stones, promoted by Lunaria in collaboration with Antigone (Greece), SOS Racisme (Spain), Grenzelos (Austria), Adice (France) and Kisa (Cyprus), which will run until 29 February 2020, starts today with the online publication of the first video of a series of 5. Watch out for the words you use because they can [...]
hate speech in Italy
Words are Stones. Hate Speech Analysis in Public Discourse in Six European Countries
The dossier Words are stones was presented today in Rome. Analysis of the hate speech in the public speech in six European countries edited by Lunaria, in collaboration with 5 European associations of Austria, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy and Spain.The dossier summarizes the contents of the six national reports edited within the Words are Stones project by Adice (F), [...]
“Prima noi”. Quel refrain che attraversa l’Europa
E’ stato presentato oggi a Roma il dossier Words are stones. Analisi dell’hate speech nel discorso pubblico in sei paesi europei curato da Lunaria, in collaborazione con 5 associazioni europee di Austria, Cipro, Francia, Grecia, Italia e Spagna. “I musulmani sono inviati a Cipro dalla Turchia come cosiddetti rifugiati con l'intenzione di modificare la nostra identità nazi [...]
Il razzismo nel 2018. On line il nostro nuovo focus
Un nuovo sgombero, quello dell’ex Canapificio di Caserta, una delle esperienze di accoglienza e inclusione sociale più vitali e creative messe in campo nel nostro paese, è stato effettuato due giorni fa. Il centro sociale gestisce un progetto Sprar che ospita in appartamenti 200 rifugiati; nei capannoni sgomberati operava uno sportello legale e un servizio per richiedere il cos [...]
The return of the race
Racism preceded and followed the national election in Italy of 4 March under the banner of "return of the race". We report this in a new dossier edited by Lunaria, starting from the 169 cases of discrimination and racism that we documented between January 1 and March 31, 2018, trying to highlight the most worrying trends, the most serious racist violence , the virality of [...]