Pubblichiamo una sintesi in inglese delle informazioni e dei dati emersi nei rapporti Costi disumani, Segregare costa, I diritti non sono un costo, curati da Lunaria nell'ambito della campagna I diritti non sono un costo. Rights are not an expense campaign: find here the english summary, containing data and informations revealed by the dossier Inhuman cost, Segregation at a [...]
An Inhuman cost: online the english version of the executive summary!
Between 2005 and 2012 Italy spent more than one billion six hundred thousand euros on policies aimed at combating illegal immigration: a considerable public expenditure that proved largely ineffective and violated the fundamental rights of migrants. The Report “An inhuman cost: public spending to combat illegal immigration”, edited by Lunaria, offers a det [...]
An Inhuman cost: online the english version of the executive summary!
Between 2005 and 2012 Italy spent more than one billion six hundred thousand euros on policies aimed at combating illegal immigration: a considerable public expenditure that proved largely ineffective and violated the fundamental rights of migrants. The Report “An inhuman cost: public spending to combat illegal immigration”, produced by Lunaria, offers a detailed analysis of [...]